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Discount codes increase visibility on German market-redirect

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2015 discount code survey Online discounts and coupons are becoming increasingly popular: more than half of German online shoppers (63%) look for coupon codes or other ways to save when shopping online, according to a 2015 discount code survey by, the search engine for digital services. Coupon websites are enjoying this growing popularity: nearly half [...]

Affiliate marketing: 6 tips

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Affiliate marketing trends 2014 Attribution, site content and Western European markets are the most important topics for affiliate marketing in 2014. This was revealed in a survey by the affiliate network Commission Junction in the form of an online survey completed by forty performance marketing agencies and advertisers in Germany. Moreover, according to the affiliate experts, mobile affiliate marketing and retargeting are the most important [...]

ChaletsPlus plunges 100% in Germany

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Pim Jansen is the owner of ChaletsPlus, the chalet specialist for Austria. The company focuses on a number of ski areas, allowing customers to benefit from local knowledge. The Internet is playing a more important role in the orientation process of the German traveler. Mainly the age groups 14-29 and 30-49 are active online. Consumers mainly search for information [...].

Affiliate marketing in Germany

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Silke Kücking is channel manager at Daisycon, one of the largest affiliate networks in the Netherlands. The company also offers services in Germany, Belgium and France. Setting up a successful Web shop in Germany from the Netherlands involves many aspects. Think for example about launching a German website with German standards or a good [...]

Google AdWords and the use of brand names

Liegt eine Benutzung im Sinne von Art. 5 Abs. 1 Buchst. a der Richtlinie 89/104/EWG vor, wenn ein Dritter ein mit der Marke identisches Zeichen ohne Zustimmung des Markeninhabers einem Suchmaschinenbetreiber gegenüber als ein Schlüsselwort zu dem Zweck angibt, dass bei Eingabe des mit der Marke identischen Zeichens als Suchwort in die Suchmaschine ein absatzfördernder [...]

Affiliate marketing hinges on the choice and management of affiliates

The stronger the reputation and reach within the target audience and the more enthusiastically affiliates promote the company, the more effective for the publisher. Selecting these sites requires insight into the familiarity and reputations of potential affiliates in Germany. Whether to choose an affiliate network or set up your own program depends on...