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The 5 biggest misconceptions about Amazon

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The 5 biggest misconceptions about Amazon With the growth of large international marketplaces such as Amazon and eBay, it is becoming increasingly clear to many an entrepreneur: marketplaces offer tremendous opportunities! For example, did you know that Amazon has 224 million active users worldwide? And that there are 89 giant Amazon distribution centers spread around the world (9 of which are in [...]

Featured - German online shoppers

Win the trust of the German online shopper

As a Dutch webshop, how can you still gain trust? The modern consumer is always and everywhere online and due to increasing digitalization worldwide, borders seem to be blurring more and more. A survey published in February by the international accounting and tax consultancy PWC seems to confirm that national borders in online shopping are increasingly [...]

Mobile commerce: opportunities for your webshop

mobile commerce 2015 & forecast 2016

Mobilegeddon 2 we have already indicated that the German population is using mobile Internet a lot. This development can also be seen in the field of e-commerce. A study by RetailMeNot shows that e-commerce sales are growing nicely in Germany. Especially shopping via smartphone is becoming increasingly popular. Here, compared to [....]

German online shoppers

Win the trust of the German online shopper

As a Dutch webshop, how can you still gain trust? The modern consumer is always and everywhere online and due to increasing digitalization worldwide, borders seem to be blurring more and more. A survey published in February by the international accounting and tax consultancy PWC seems to confirm that national borders in online shopping are increasingly [...]

The 5 most frequently asked questions about Amazon

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THE 5 MOST QUESTIONS ABOUT AMAZON Amazon is the e-commerce market leader in Germany with a market share of more than 30%! Amazon is also becoming increasingly important as a search engine. 50% of German Internet users looking for a product begin their search at Amazon. With Amazon's high service orientation and the highest probability of [...]

Be careful with your German like buttons

Facebook Like button on company websites violation of privacy according to court Düsseldorf

Facebook like button on company websites violation of privacy according to court Düsseldorf You have had unique content created for the German market, with the aim that it will be shared frequently via Facebook. Visitors to your website may already be able to achieve this with a single click, via a like button directly below the article. Well [...]

Dropshipping: an invincible concept in e-commerce

Dropshipping: an invincible concept in e-commerce

Sometimes there are such logical and meritorious concepts in e-commerce that it is amazing why they are not yet widely known. One such concept is the trade model dropshipping. In this article, we will show you what dropshipping is plus how startups and established merchants can benefit from it. Furthermore, we will explain the benefits [...]

In 9 steps to the 2016 Shop Usability Award

Shop Usability | Joy of Use

is equally clear and easy for everyone, regardless of the device used. We have collected nine aspects that are important to encourage your visitors to click through just as long until a sale comes about. Daily use increases In 2015, 63.1% of Germans used the Internet daily [...].

5 German online marketing trends for 2016

Germany in 2016 1

1. Customer-journey As one of the biggest digital marketing challenges in 2016, the customer-journey will gain focus. More and more devices are introducing consumers to a brand, website or campaign. The challenge is in tracking visitors across all devices rather than tracking visits across devices. Only when the influences of [...]

Information duties on Alternative Disputes Resolution (ADR) and Online Disputes Resolution (ODR)

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ADR Directive of 21-05-2013 on Alternative Resolution of Consumer Disputes for Sellers and Buyers created the possibility of having occurring difficulties and conflicts resolved outside national jurisdiction by a type of arbitration board. For online merchants, participation in such a resolution system is voluntary. This ADR directive had to be transposed into German law by 09-07-2015. Until now [...]